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WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg Editor

So you want to disable the Gutenberg WordPress editor ? This new WordPress editor got only 2.3 star rating out of 5 since it was launched. People like to carry on with classic editor as its been long time. We have updated our article to help you get rid of Gutenberg Editor easily.

How to Disable the Gutenberg WordPress Editor

Follow these steps to disable the Gutenberg WordPress editor until you have time to test everything properly.

  • Option 1 – Install the Classic Editor WordPress Plugin
  • Option 2 – Install the Disable Gutenberg WordPress Plugin
  • Option 3 – Disable Gutenberg Editor with Code

Option 1 – Install Classic editor just like the way you install all other WordPress plugins on your system.

Once you have installed the Classic editor. Go to Settings Writing and checkmark on either of the options under Classic editor setting menu.Finally, save all changes.

Option 2 – Go to plugins directory >  Install – disable-gutenberg

You can disable Gutenberg completely, or selectively disable for posts, pages, roles, post types, and theme templates.

Option 2 – Disable the Gutenberg Editor with code.

Simply add the following to your functions.php file.

add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false', 10);

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You may have noticed that other platforms like Ghost and Medium offers unique and refreshing experience for the writers, so why can’t WordPress? The current WordPress visual editor hasn’t had many changes over the past few years. Now, many think that it’s  time for a change and yes, many volunteers and contributors have been working on WordPress Gutenberg project or the past 6+ months to create simple and enjoyable Gutenberg WordPress editor. In this WordPress gutenberg tutorial we will introduce you to the ✅ new Gutenberg WordPress editor (Its features & functionalities) ✅Pros & cons, ✅Gutenberg Editor plugin, ✅WordPress 5 security features & much more.

WordPress 5.0 Release Date

When will WordPress 5 be released?

Are you also looking for an answer to this question? Well, WordPress version 5 release date was earlier set to be in between April or May 2018, but it seems that WordPress is delaying the release of its 5 version. It’s ?️ still in the beta or testing phase. Most of the WordPress users are probably unaware of the fact that what will be served for them in the plate. The WordPress 5.0 is set to be released in the coming months for 2018.

This release wont be a simple upgrade, instead it’s a complete replacement of the Tiny MCE editor we all know. It’s also a whole new change to the WordPress framework, back-end, and the way content is rendered.

The new editor in WordPress 5.0 is called Gutenberg, and is currently available as a beta plugin. Gutenberg is neither intuitive nor easy to use. WordPress 5.0 is definitely not the WordPress you are used to, and it may not be compatible with your current themes or plugins.

Also ReadWordPress 5.0.1 Vulnerabilities

WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg editor is currently available as a beta plugin. Gutenberg is neither intuitive nor easy to use. WordPress 5.0 is definitely not the WordPress you are used to, and it may not be compatible with your current themes or plugins.

What is Gutenberg?

Gutenberg is the new editor that will perfectly replace the current TinyMCE Editor in WordPress. Gutenberg doesn’t show any resemblance with any of the known editors  and leaves behind its old reliable parent behind. It is named after Johannes Gutenberg, who invented a printing press with movable type more than 500 years ago.

WordPress plans a release of the new style editor in 3 parts with the first part being planned for release with WordPress 5.0. Gutenberg is still in the testing phase, you can participate in testing, open an issue on GitHub. Or join the discussions in #core-editor on the core WordPress Slack

All new concept for content creation and editing is based on the blocks. Forget about bullet lists,  numbers, copy and paste options for the text, it isn’t there. The content will be copied to a different block. If you want to revise the content pieces you need to move the blocks instead of copy/paste options.

  • Here is what you see in Gutenberg when you open a blank post or page: (see images below)
  • Opening a new page or post in Gutenberg.
  • Clicking on the + symbol opens the block menu. You can see a lot of blocks to choose from.
  • Clicking on the + symbol opens the blocks menu.
  • When you copy-and-paste, your content is put into separate blocks – each and every single paragraph!
  • Copying from MS-Word will put your entire document into separate blocks – each and every paragraph.

Below you can find .gif images showing various features of new Gutenberg editor functionalities.?


Gutenberg and WordPress 5.0: Getting Ready?

Click to open image in full size (New Gutenberg WordPress Editor features)

Gutenberg is a big change, and there are several key areas you need to check to make sure your products are compatible with the new WP version. For plugins and their developers, Gutenberg may be a bit of a headache, as backward compatibility doesn’t seem to be available. As such, developers will need to update their plugins and themes to ensure they are fully compatible with the new editor.

The new editor affects not only shortcodes, but also all the content generated via the editor.

After installing Gutenberg, you can see links under your Posts that allow you to open up the Gutenberg editor.

They won’t replace the default WordPress editor, which is a good thing in our opinion, as during the testing phase it allows you to bounce back and forth.

It also adds a new menu in your WordPress dashboard which contains a demo (as seen below) and the ability to create a new post.

Again, this menu is probably just for testing purposes As you can see the visual editor looks quite different than the once you are probably used to.

It has a very similar feel to Medium, which we think is great.

Comparing both the Gutenberg editor and the current visual editor side by side (click to enlarge) its clearly visible that how much more writing space Gutenberg has, especially on smaller screens.

For those writing on laptops, Gutenberg is going to be a nice change of pace! It’s perfectly focused on “writing first” and is trying to provide a less distracting environment.

In the Gutenberg WordPress editor, you can click on “Post Settings” to remove the right-hand sidebar. And while this does give you access to distraction-free writing mode.

To switch between the visual editor mode and text editor (code), you have a drop down in the top left. You will notice that there are now HTML comments at the beginning and end of each block.

This allows you to create the blocks directly from the text editor mode.

When you highlight over a block, You will have the options to move it up or down with the arrows, delete it, or go into the settings of the block. The controls are similar as on the Medium.

You will be surprised to know that how well it worked on mobile. If you need to make a quick image insert or add a paragraph before publishing a post on the go, it looks like Gutenberg is going to make that very easy.

One of the first things you will probably notice is that the TinyMCE toolbar you have been used to seeing for years is now gone. It is now replaced with a drop-down menu if you click on the “Insert” button.

How to install WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg Editor WordPress 5.0?

Gutenberg can be downloaded from the WordPress repository or by searching for it within your WordPress dashboard under “Add New” plugins. We recommend installing this on a test site.

To Install Gutenberg WordPress editor plugin

  1. Go to “Plugins > Add New”
  2. Search for “gutenberg”.
  3. Install and activate the Gutenberg plugin.
  4. You’ll have a “Gutenberg” menu at the bottom of your left-side toolbar. That’ll be good for the “Demo” if you want a more complete post so you don’t start with an old or demo one.
  5. You’ll also get the Gutenberg experience when you create a new post while the plugin is running ? Give it a try.

Things to Know Before Updating to WordPress 5.0

Before updating to WordPress 5.0, here are some things you need to consider:

  • Create a WordPress database backup before updating to WordPress 5.0. You can’t go back!
  • WordPress 5.0 may break themes
  • You will have to adapt to a different way to use themes and plugins
  • Be patient as the transition to Gutenberg will not be easy
  • WordPress 5.0 will replace everything with blocks even plugins
  • Don’t upgrade to WordPress 5.0 right away. Wait for few months
  • Before upgrading make sure your WordPress site is not hacked (?Identify hacked WordPress). Run it through a scanner.

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WordPress 5.0 Security Update

To get concerned about the security of our website is not a new issue. It’s definitely of much concern. Many of us are too much concern about our WordPress security. Any security flaw can be proven very harmful for business. To prevent cyber attacks on our website, WordPress has already introduced some security features that are helpful for the users. Such as recommending hosting websites with

  • SSL Certificates,
  • two-factor authentication
  • application passwords
  • Security keys
  • OTP or backup verification code

The WordPress authority is likely to continue improving its security in future releases and that can be for WordPress 5.0 as well. It’s in the beta state and you can get a complete update in the coming days for year 2018.

WordPress 5.0 Features

Users of WordPress have no idea of what’s coming next? Let’s have a look

1. Gutenberg WordPress editor Plugin

One of the most exciting feature is the Gutenberg Editor for WordPress. It’s named after Johannes Gutenberg, who is known for the invention of the movable-type printing press. The goal is to make this WordPress easier for those who are the beginners. It’s currently in its beta and testing phase and not ready to run on production sites.

2. Front-end Editor

Front-end editor works just like the way you use the mobile phone and touch screen for changing the text. Its with the WordPress for a long time. Visual Composer is dominating front-end editor plugin from many years. Front-end Editor for WordPress is lighter and faster as compared to the Visual Composer.

3. Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is taking its toll to improve the user’s experiences day by day. WordPress authority is of great to do the same for both the users and developers. The majority of WordPress themes are now responsive. Also, decreasing the differences in website maintenance between desktop and mobile has become a routine for the company.

4. Crop background image

The most boring process is to change the background of our websites. The process usually involves the selection of the background image, manual cropping and then uploading. Now, we can have the chance to crop the image before it goes live. Isn’t it a good feature? It will basically reduce the significant time in changing the background image flow.

5. WordPress 5.0 Security Plugins

Due to The last zero-day exploits of WordPress from XML-PRC remote brute force to XSS from comment forms has made WordPress users worry about how secure WordPress really is? In the effort of hardening WordPress compound and To offer the WordPress security against data breaches and cyber attacks. WordPress authority have done new security plugins, that will be available in WordPress 5.0 release (Also See: Latest WordPress Releases). You can try them all on Beta Plugin page.

Enter the Gutenberg Plugin Compatibility Database. The goal for this crowdsourcing tool is to identify whether or not WordPress.org plugins are compatible with Gutenberg.

Check out the project README.md for a more complete introduction to what’s involved. This includes a definition for “WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg-compatible Plugins“.

New Gutenberg WordPress Editor (Pros and Cons)

While coming forward to the new version we should not forget discussing the pros and cons of WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg Editor. Here are the listed ones:


  • For all those writers who prefer the newer Medium style editing experience, they are most likely to love the WordPress Gutenberg editor.
  • Offers a less distracting experience with wide screen space.
  • Blocks and the new alignment options are fun to use with a full-width template and responsive sites.
  • Can surely make a quick edit on your phone while on the go? No problem.
  • The ability for theme and plugin developers to create their own custom blocks.
  • Easier to use for beginners.


Discussing few cons in the current Gutenberg editor. Let’s not forget that it’s still in the testing phase, so a lot of these things will probably be fixed or added.

  • Currently missing Markdown support.
  • For few it may be easy to use but for some it may turn out as a difficult task.
  • As of October 2017, Gutenberg does now support meta boxes. However, this is only initial support and it will require developers hopping on board. However, it’s a step in the right direction.
  • Doesn’t support responsive columns yet.
  • With so many themes and plugins out there, backwards compatibility is going to be a huge issue going forward.

Many of you might be wondering, will Gutenberg be optional or not? The answer is obviously NO. When Gutenberg will be officially rolled in the WordPress core you won’t be able to turn it off. This will become the official editor for WordPress. However, there is a free plugin Classic Editor that can be used to restore the old post editor.


So far, this is all we know about WordPress 5.0 features. We hope there will be a lot of more exciting features on the finale update. We can definitely say that WordPress is definitely preparing for a really big evolution.

In this blog, we have tried to give you the best ideas about upcoming WordPress 5.0 update. If you want regular news about WordPress, WordPress security and updates be sure to subscribe us.

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? WordPress Website Maintenance Tasks & Checklist

? Best WordPress Security Plugins 2019

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Tags: gutenberg wordpress editor WordPress 5 Security wordpress 5.0 release date wordpress gutenberg project wordpress gutenberg tutorial